About Lore
That’s my real given first name.
I grew up and lived most of my adult life in the Greater Bay Area of California, and now I live in Seattle with my wonderful, inspiring wife Jenny, our dog Max, and our tortie Jasmine.
I’m probably best known for my early-Web humor site, The Brunching Shuttlecocks, but I’ve also written for Wired.com and Wired magazine.
I’m the author of The Book of Ratings: Opinions, Grades, and Assessments of Everything Worth Thinking About
I’m planning on re-releasing said book as an ebook. If this excites you, feel free to drop me a line saying so. It might light a fire under my ass.
I’ve written a weird-science novel called Jinbodgers and I’m currently seeking an agent for it. Are you a literary agent? Well, why not? Are you too good for it?
I’m working on a fantasy novel called Ogrecrantz & Goblinstern.
I tell jokes in my Notes. Make of that what you care to.
I’m 54 and I recently, finally, have gotten my depression and ADHD meds sorted out. This isn’t really germane to my postings, but it does explain why I finally finished my first novel at 54.
Because I have ADHD, time means nothing to me and being 54 doesn’t feel much different from being 34, except for a bit more chronic pain from my lower back and knees and such.
I’m generally pretty friendly.